We are happy to announce the innaugural conference in the series "Théorie des Cordes en France”. We envisage that it will include researchers in France from the following fields:
AdS/CFT and its applications
Perturbative String Theory
Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory
Time dependent string backgrounds and cosmology
Quantum Gravity and microscopic aspects of black holes
Integrable structures in Yang-Mills theories
Kaluza-Klein Compactifications
Mathematical Structures within String Theory
The speakers include: Sergei Alexandrov, Benjamin Basso, Davide Cassani, Harold Erbin, Stefan Hohenegger, Bruno le Floch, Sébastien Leurent, Sébastien Renaux-Petel, Raffaele Savelli, Andrei Smilga, Thomas Strobl, Pierre Vanhove, Mikael Volkov
On the evening of the 26 there will be a reception on the 24th floor of Tour Zamansky.
We would like to thank the FRIF for financial support from which we should be able to cover the costs of researchers attending from outside the Paris region. Please contact the organisers if you which to receive such financing.
Please sign up to this website and register, it will help us manage the conference.
The first edition of this conference series will take place May 26-27 in the ampitheatre Georges Charpak on the Jussieu campus of the University of Pierre et Marie Curie
Directions: when you get to metro Jussieu, the entrance is directly in front of you. Go straight and to left, past the main tower, continue until you find tower 22. Take the stairs down one level to the RC, the ampitheatre is right there!